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Law Firm and Attorney Website Design

5 Questions To Ask Before Your Law Firm Website Goes Live

Law Firm Website

The day of your law firm website launch is likely one of the most exciting of your career. Even if you had a previous website and you’ve updated to a more modern site, the launch day is filled with excitement.

It’s tempting to rush into this event and get the ball rolling with your online marketing goals, but rushing the launch of a website can be a mistake. You want to make a good first impression on potential clients and your website is one of the most important tools you have for doing so.

Before you launch, here are five things you and your website designer should discuss about your site:

1. Is Your Law Firm Website Easy to Use?

There are several factors that determine “ease of use” and all of them need to be address. Your site must be easy to understand, functional, and load quickly. It needs to make sense to the visitor and provide a user experience that is enjoyable. Even the slightest frustration with your site can drive visitors away.

2. Does Your Site Feature Complete and Correct Contact Information?

One of the primary reasons people visit your site is to find out how they can reach out to you with their legal questions. This means your firm’s contact information is one of the most important features on the site. Triple check to make sure it is complete and correct, and then cross-check it with other sites, including Yelp and Google Reviews to make sure everything is a match.

3. Does Your Law Firm Website Give the Impression of Your Firm You Want to Give Potential Clients?

Just because a site has a good design doesn’t mean it’s doing a good job of explaining your firm. Your site needs to be a reflection of your legal practice and be a strong indicator of what clients will experience if they work with you. Setting the right tone of a website starts during the early stages of design, but at the end, before it launches, all of these things should come together to portray your firm in the best light. Now is the time to evaluate the overall feeling of your site and make sure it authentically describes your firm.

4. Will Your Site Make Google Happy?

Unfortunately, your clients aren’t the only ones that need to find your site appealing. For your site to be an effective marketing tool, it needs to meet Google’s requirements. There are several things that go into making a site Google compliant, including content, mobile handing, and structure, all of which your web designer can assist you with.

For an in-depth look at how Google evaluates websites, check out their guide here.

5. Does It Make Clear to Clients What They Need to Do Next?

Some people will visit your site simply to learn more about a particular legal issue, but most of the time people want information about something affecting them. They want to know how you can help them with a specific legal issue they are facing. Your site needs to explain – on every page – what next step to take to get help from your firm. Strong calls to action are an important part of your website design because they take visitors from prospects to clients.

If you’d like to know more about designing the perfect site for your firm or you have questions about whether your current site is doing its job, contact Legal Web Design at 888-480-3585 or schedule a free consultation.

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