How to Reduce Stress with a Law Firm Marketing Plan
March 19th, 2021 / Kelly / Reading Time: 4minutes
A Law Firm Marketing Plan Helps You Manage Stress
Marketing a law firm is one of the most stressful aspects of being a lawyer. It often ends up on the backburner. A law firm marketing plan makes marketing your firm easier.
Making marketing a priority is difficult when you have dozens of other responsibilities and you aren’t sure what to do or how to do it. Having a solid plan takes a lot of the stress out of marketing and makes the process of getting your law firm noticed much easier.
But how do you create a marketing plan and once you have one, how do you implement it?
Benefits of Planning
First, it’s important to understand the benefits of creating a plan. Sure, it helps with marketing. It also makes other things in your life easier.
If you’ve been resistant to creating plans in the past, you shouldn’t feel as if it’s stifling or regimented. It can be if that helps you reach your goals. But planning can also be customized and suited to your situation.
How does planning help you?
It helps you stay on track. If you have a set number of steps to follow each week or month to market your firm, it makes it easier to not get distracted.
It keeps you focused. Planning takes away the urge to procrastinate and avoids getting caught in the weeds.
It removes stumbling blocks and prevents arguments. Once you know what you’re doing, you don’t need to haggle or argue over what you’re doing.
It creates balance. With a plan, you’re able to set aside the time needed to market your firm and it won’t bleed into other areas of your schedule.
It makes it easier to tackle larger projects. You can break a huge marketing campaign into steps and tackle each one at a time.
It allows you to anticipate challenges and come up with a solution in advance. Planning lets you move through a process mentally and see where problems might arise.
It’s satisfying. Many people find that once their marketing plan is laid out in detail, they’ve done the hard work. All that’s left is to follow the plan.
Why Marketing is Stressful
Now that you understand how helpful planning can be, it’s time to use it to help you reach your marketing goals.
Marketing is one of the toughest challenges of growing a successful law firm. Many capable lawyers feel overwhelmed when it comes to marketing. Successful marketing requires a certain degree of creativity. Unfortunately, people who don’t exercise their creative muscles regularly or who focus on other aspects of operating their firm might find it tough to switch gears.
Marketing is also stressful because it’s never-ending. It’s not something you can do once and never do again. However, you can launch marketing campaigns that have a beginning, middle, and end. This makes it easier to deal with the overwhelming feeling of having to always market your firm.
Finally, marketing is stressful because it’s not your primary responsibility. Dealing with client issues comes first and always will. But you still need to market your firm in one way or another. Finding a way to fit marketing in when you have so many other things to do is one of the toughest challenges of successfully operating a law firm.
Many of the Same Tools You Use to Reduce General Stress Can Help You with Marketing
The good news is getting the stress of marketing under control isn’t that difficult. Many of the same things you do to manage stress in other areas of your life work when it comes to the stress of marketing. For example:
Assess what you’ve been doing right. Unless you just launched your firm, chances are some aspects of marketing your firm was successful at some point. Acknowledge that success and jot down what worked because you might be able to use it in the future.
Compile a very specific list of marketing goals. Once you know what it is you want to achieve, it’s much easier to take a proactive approach to it.
Get organized. Just as cleaning and organizing your physical environment helps you feel less stressed, organizing your marketing approach has the same result.
Get going. Regardless of what you plan or how you choose to tackle your marketing goals, it’s important to take action. Jumping in and making a few mistakes here and there is better than sitting by and doing nothing. Marketing is a learn-as-you-go experience if it’s not your primary focus. Doing something is better than doing nothing and over time, you can work on perfecting your approach.
All that said, many attorneys just don’t have the time to dedicate to marketing. And even if they’re busy now, over time, letting marketing of your firm slip will eventually catch up with you.
Reducing Stress with Effective Planning
If you’re struggling to stay afloat with your marketing goals, Legal Web Design can help. We’ll help you create a marketing plan and stay on track with it even when it feels overwhelming. To learn more about reducing the stress of marketing or to get started with a plan, give us a call.